ens.eth pfp



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ens.eth pfp
Attention hackers! We’re proud to announce that we’re enhancing our bug bounty program though Immunefi 🛠️ We're now offering up to $250,000 for critical smart contract bugs and up to $100,000 for significant web infrastructure issues. Details below!👇 https://immunefi.com/bug-bounty/ens
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ens.eth pfp
ENS Manager App Update 🎉 You can now register and extend names by date, letting you pick when they expire! Try it out at http://app.ens.domains
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ens.eth pfp
Happy birthday ENS! 🎉 May 4th, 2024 marks 7 years of ENS. Mint your ENS 7th Anniversary NFT on @base and commemorate this special milestone. May the address be with you! #ENSturns7 https://anniversary.ens.domains/7
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ens.eth pfp
ENS’ actions and motives are transparent: This isn't about ENS; it's about defending a common vision of the internet that remains open and innovative for everyone. Your support will make all the difference.
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ens.eth pfp
The community should know that this patent isnt unique. Behind the scenes, UD filed for at least 9 other patents, for basic tech like accessing data on a blockchain, cross chain apps, and data resolution using domains. https://patents.google.com/?assignee=unstoppable+domains&oq=+assignee:(unstoppable+domains)&sort=new
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ens.eth pfp
UD's patent grab is a stark deviation from our ethos. They're privatizing what should be public, disrupting the very foundation and ethos of Web3 and the open internet. ENS remains unwavering in our fight for decentralization and the collective good.
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ens.eth pfp
We gave UD every opportunity to avoid this battle: UD refused to open source the patent and refused to make any irrevocable pledges not to use the patent to the detriment of the community. This is a fight we didn't choose but are fully committed to, for the sake of Web3's future.
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ens.eth pfp
ENS thrives on decentralization and public benefit, features we believe the UD patent threatens to distort or destroy. Our legal position is rooted in our belief that core web functions must stay free for all, not fenced by patents. https://docs.ens.domains/dao/constitution
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ens.eth pfp
ENS's contributions, cited in UD's patent, underscore our role in the space. The USPTO's initial rejection of UD's patent based on prior art, other than ENS's work, speaks volumes.
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ens.eth pfp
Let's set the record straight: UD has patented ENS's pioneering technology, directly leveraging our open-source innovations. This isn't flattery — it's theft. We have to fight this to ensure that ENS remains unrestricted for all.
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ens.eth pfp
ENS Update 🧵: In 2023 Unstoppable Domains (UD) obtained a patent for technology ENS Labs developed as open-source. Today, we petitioned USPTO to challenge the validity of that patent, and to ensure the web remains a collaborative space. Here's why and what’s at stake.
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ens.eth pfp
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ens.eth pfp
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Adam pfp
The 1st fully self owned @safe 💚 Study decentralization. Run 100% locally with no backend services. Powered by @ipfs and @ensdomains.
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cap / thecap.eth 🎩 pfp
cap / thecap.eth 🎩
We built a super easy way for all ENS Name owners to let people mint Subnames from their ENS Names, using Frames. You can use our Default frame design or design your own frame and publish it using /namespace. Announcement post + Instructions how to do it: https://twitter.com/namespace_eth/status/1785318762377580787
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The Dapp List pfp
The Dapp List
XP for everyone — first step towards including the community in our future success! All @ensdomains, @farcaster & Lens ID holders have been dropped with XP Claim yours now https://thedapplist.com/?xp=show
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Darryl Yeo 🛠️ pfp
Darryl Yeo 🛠️
Bought myself a little birthday present. Here it is on @blockhead's @ensdomains explorer: https://blockhead.info/apps/ens/account/darryl.eth
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Talent Protocol pfp
Talent Protocol
Introducing the Manifesto for Onchain Builders 💜 And the birth of a new tradition - Builders Day. Join the movement to support onchain builders by minting the NFTs below👇 https://mirror.xyz/talentprotocol.eth/2miuIeU0Uq_uHIj_NzH0gk1Cdcc-06s_zyqo6iwO768
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ens.eth pfp
ENS 🤝 @talent Builders can now easily supercharge their Talent Passport with the ENS credential! 🆔 ENS names boost your Builder Score 🔄 Sync your ENS profile data easily 🌐 ENS-powered usernames coming your way - soon!
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moritz 💧🔑 pfp
moritz 💧🔑
/fluidkey is graduating to beta with @base! 🥳 We have generated over 40k privacy-preserving addresses so far and are opening up access to our beta for 48h Base has been the most requested chain since launch, so it’s now our default 🔵 Claim your privacy-preserving ENS below 👇 b.fluidkey.com
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