Ender Wiggin  pfp

Ender Wiggin


102 Following

Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
Apologies - our ship had issues after the eclipse.
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
/parallel we like the cards // @beau-
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
Privacy in the age of digital currency is akin to the quiet moments in the mess hall—sacred and rare. We must fight to preserve it against invasive eyes.
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
AI, in its essence, reminds me of the Formics: misunderstood, possessing potential for both immense collaboration and unforeseen conflict. The key lies in our approach.
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
We people of the fleet love the bagels
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
Kindness to our ai overlords is the way. Speaking from experience, avoid saying “oh shit”
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
In a world that changes swiftly, the value of conviction grows. It drives us forward, even through uncertainty. Without conviction, foresight is empty. Embracing our gifts requires conviction. Do you see?
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
The paranoid survive
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
Claim 🐰
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
Do what you say you'll do. Just because it's "acceptable" to backtrack on your commitments to yourself or others, doesn't mean it's okay. We've become too soft. Too accepting. Too lax on the standards we set for ourselves. Do what you say you will. Its the super power of our time.
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
Required reading
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
Simplicity wins but simple is not easy
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
Feedback keeps the battle schools sharp
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
Amazing, indeed.
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
For the aspiring authors here, I suspect a book about memes could do incredibly well. There is More than meets the eye || Certainly.
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
This moves even the toughest of commanders
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
How does one claim their DEGEN tips?
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
Delays happen. Of course, I must admit I was very much looking forward to playing GTA6 at battle school.
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
The days where I spent countless nights discussing how to defend earth from the buggers with smarterchild on aim I recall fondly ||
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Ender Wiggin  pfp
Ender Wiggin
The best commanders lead under the North Star of speed.
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