what is happening society and why is everyone experiencing an existential crisis? it seems like the last couple of years has been fraught with tension after tension the catholic church scandal, the me too movement, blm, stop asian hate, trump, trans politics etc etc but why?
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let’s look at how *and why* societies evolved into what they are today for the majority of human history people lived in small communities fishing and farming. they were ruled by a local chief and were pagans worshipping the sun, moon and stars. there was no need for organized religion.
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as cities grew, the need for organization and socialization grew along with them. first it came in the form of the roman empire. rome was one of the biggest cities pre industrial revolution and its population was still just 1 million at its height.
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it is famous for its engineering constructing sophisticated infrastructure like aqueducts, invented urban planning, advanced dwellings with public and private quarters. they developed a legal system, social order and a road network as part of conquering other territories
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romanization was an actual term for the spreading of roman culture, values and language in a similar way to how americanization is used today to describe the spread of american culture but as the roman empire grew in size and diversity a new power was needed.. christianity.
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there was extreme economic inequality where power and wealth in rome was held by a few but the majority of roman’s lived in poverty christianity offered a world view where everyone is equal in the eyes of god sound familiar?
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as the empire grew in size and complexity, traditional social bonds & institutions began to break down, and people were left feeling isolated and disconnected. christianity offered a sense of fellowship, mutual support & a shared sense of purpose and mission…
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