adrienne pfp
Public journal #33 Thoughts on long term games, being early, FarCon, and what I’m writing and reading and watching
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Emma   pfp
this was a great read! i feel like there's a lot of synergy between long term games and rethinking being early when it comes to FC - there are still so many communities and people that haven't joined yet that will hugely impact FC culture also, i'll be at the GMFC meetup and buildHER breakfast, excited to meet irl!
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adrienne pfp
Agree 💯! If you’re truly playing long term games it doesn’t matter how early you are. In investing terms, it’s impossible to time the bottom or top, so as long as you’re playing an infinite game that will give rewards along the way, who cares how early you are? And yay! Can’t wait to meet IRL!
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