Emily Xie pfp

Emily Xie


353 Following

Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
My mint at the Bright Moments finale by the wonderful @camilleroux! ✨✨✨
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
Spiral Forms on view now at HOFA gallery! Stop by if you’re in London :-)
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
Synthetic Dialogue. Generative art + AI
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
AI + generative art w/ Javascript + manual collage. New 1/1 releasing with HOFA gallery.
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
Thanks for having me at the panel today, PWW3! ❤️
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
Off Script #79. A generative art piece fully made with code!
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
A warm Warpcast welcome to generative artist @ngozi!
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
Another Off Script piece. Made with pure code. 💻
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
Got this @grantyun2 piece in the mail the other day. It is phenomenal. The crisp lines and contrasts in Grant’s work stand out beautifully here. Can’t wait to hang on my walls.
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
Gm! Another piece from my generative art series, “Off Script.” Made entirely with code. ✨
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
I love ramen so much.
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
Gm! Some generative art made with code. From a series called “Off Script”
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
Really enjoyed thinking through textiles, aesthetics, computation, and history with @monkantony for @lerandomart! So many thought-provoking questions around art. Link to interview ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ 🔗 https://www.lerandom.art/editorial/emily-xie-on-textile-as-personal-canvas
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
I find textiles thematically fascinating to explore in generative art. The jacquard loom, invented in 1804, used a punch card to program patterns, becoming a precursor to early computers. Making textile-inspired art with code is a way of paying tribute to this legacy, and draws a direct line from past to present.
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
Interwoven #75
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
Memories of Qilin No. 650
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
The inspiration vs the artwork. An old photograph of my mom standing next to a guardian lion in China.
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
Guardian Lion: a piece combining generative AI, algorithmic textures, and free-hand drawing with digital collage. So excited to release this work with Avant Arte on March 7th.
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
Memories of Qilin #981
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Emily Xie pfp
Emily Xie
Initial reaction (Thanks @katevass for capturing this moment in my art journey 📸)
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33 reactions