eli pfp



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eli pfp
Have you ever used a mask?
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eli pfp
Blockchain trio Acceptability: processing a large number of transactions in; Security: resistance to attack by malicious agents; Decentralization: power between a large number of nodes (nodes).
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eli pfp
Phantom Athletics mask Strengthening the respiratory system during aerobic exercises Strengthening the diaphragm and improving breathing Increasing lung capacity and resistance Improving the athlete's physical and mental performance Correct inhalation and exhalation training during exercise Adjustable in 4 different training levels
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eli pfp
Night club dance mask
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eli pfp
The thoughts in the mind shape a person's character and behavioral pattern to a very high extent
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eli pfp
Humans are not prisoners of their fate They are only prisoners of their own thoughts. Franklin Roosevelt
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eli pfp
It is not known what thoughts are hidden behind every mask
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eli pfp
Masks not only hide our faces, but can also hide our inner secrets and unknown identity.
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eli pfp
What do you think about this mask?
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eli pfp
Arlecchino was the clown character of Delarte's Commedia, which was first made in the form of a wooden half-mask, then a leather one, with a small monkey-like nose, arched eyebrows and a bump on his head that represents the devil's horn. The goal was to make this character a servant, common, without logic and emotions
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eli pfp
Angular components (formerly known as Material2) Angular's official (+) component library implements Google's Material Design, built for Angular and TypeScript review.
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eli pfp
Moretta (Servetta muta) which means silent servant woman, was a small black velvet oval mask with large eye hole and no lips or mouth worn by aristocratic women and was first made in France. This mask was big enough to hide the identity of Venetian women.
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eli pfp
Life is not always sweet But it tastes bitter like a cup of bitter coffee And knowing this is still delicious
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eli pfp
Colombina is a half-mask that covers only the eyes, nose and top of the cheek and is often decorated with gold, silver, crystal, etc. This mask is held with a stick or tied around the head with a ribbon. the name of this mask comes from the first female actress of the "Commedia dell'arte" .
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eli pfp
Some psychologists believe that humans use different ways to communicate that are not necessarily related to the face.
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eli pfp
5 Ways AI Impacts Everyday Life 1. Artificial Intelligence in Personal 2. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare 3. How AI is Redefining Education 4. AI in Transportation 5. Evolving E-Commerce Finance
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eli pfp
Symbolism and art: In art and literature, masks are used as a symbol of duality and multiple identities. The mask can represent the hidden or multi-layered aspects of the personality, which can be used to express the complexities of human existence.
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eli pfp
React library React was developed by Facebook and has gained popularity in a short period of time. React is a very suitable choice for applications that have a very high level of complexity, and for this reason, it is recommended to use a framework or a library such as ViewJS in smaller applications with a small scale.
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eli pfp
Saint Augustine said: "The world is like a book, and those who have not traveled have only read one page."
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eli pfp
Psychological: Masks can be used as a symbol of hiding or revealing aspects of an individual's personality. People may wear masks to hide their true feelings or to create a new identity. This topic plays an important role in theater and psychology.
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