Nikolaus Elohim pfp

Nikolaus Elohim


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Nikolaus Elohim pfp
Nikolaus Elohim
I can assure you that the outcome of the election has no effect on the state of the world whatsoever. Voting is an energy syphon and a consent engine. You're basically consenting to being ruled by the most corrupt criminals on earth. No matter how you vote. It creates the illusion of free choice when in reality 99.9% of the actors and actions that affect society remain unchanged. Non-compliance and people not agreeing to wars, and so on, is what creates change on mass scale at rapid speed. We just have to wake up.
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Nikolaus Elohim pfp
Nikolaus Elohim
Free energy is everywhere, it's just the cost of harvesting. Earth rotation, moon, solar - solar energy is free and sends unbelievable amounts of energy to earth, the main issue is building something to turn it into electricity. Tides don't work well because the ocean is a hostile environment to mechanics. Same with wind.
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Nikolaus Elohim pfp
Nikolaus Elohim
The covid experiment showed the same outcome
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Nikolaus Elohim pfp
Nikolaus Elohim
Focusing on usability is the one trick. The rest - a lot of hard work to make that happen.
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Nikolaus Elohim pfp
Nikolaus Elohim
Is farcaster a platform that would allow me to build my own social media app? Or is it just "the one" warpcast / farcaster social media app for all?
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Nikolaus Elohim pfp
Nikolaus Elohim
Wipeout indeed. The best of all time.
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Nikolaus Elohim pfp
Nikolaus Elohim
What is meditation, in your opinion?
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Nikolaus Elohim pfp
Nikolaus Elohim
I don't know anyone but this app feels good - perhaps because there's no bots here? IDK.
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Nikolaus Elohim pfp
Nikolaus Elohim
GM @checkin
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Nikolaus Elohim pfp
Nikolaus Elohim
I am a manifesting generator in my human design. My human design specifically says I’m not someone who really believes in human design or astrology or anything like that - lol. That’s how they got me I was like wait that’s true! But then so much other stuff about my profile is true. I know myself pretty well having been on this planet for a while and everything I was told about my human design was 100% spot on. So I was like - oh well I have no idea why specific star constellations at birth time determine my character but given the accuracy way beyond any plausible coincidence factors I have to just roll with it. It’s a deep field of study once I got into not just the main types but also the lines, the channels , the authority and strategy. Everything fits. Human design is especially important for all non generator types - it explains why they don’t fit in society as society is built for generators. Doesn’t work for the others.
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Nikolaus Elohim pfp
Nikolaus Elohim
Yeah you do. It means you’re here to forge totally new paths. To interact with your fellow human beings along your strong urge to just go do IT whatever it is, nobody is allowed to stand in the way - you have to “inform” meaning others have no clue what you’re up to or why you’re doing what you’re doing so it’s less shocking to them if you tell them specifically what you’re going to do. Not ask permission because manifestos don’t do that — just inform them. Repelling aura is necessary to go your own way. But doesn’t mean you have no friends you’re always going to be an intriguing and novel person to be around. Manage your energy since you have to borrow it from others You’re here to change the world. Around 10% are manifestos.
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Nikolaus Elohim pfp
Nikolaus Elohim
There is no aging there’s only what we do with our time. If you spent 30 years in an office and ate McDonalds you will find yourself sick and incapable. It’s not age though- it’s what you did with your time. If you spent the same time running for 1 hour a day, meditating for 1 hour a day, with a happy mind eating healthy organic foods you would be as fit or more fit than when you started out. It’s always what you do with your time. To reverse aging simply start doing things that make you feel younger.
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Mikko  pfp
Passion is not just a hobby or an interest. It's more like a powerful pull. When you recognize it and let it grow, it fires you up. It pushes you to do better and grow faster. When you know your why, you focus on what you have instead of what you don't have. You stop comparing yourself to others and let go of self-doubt. You realize that you have a purpose, which is to help others with what's inside of you.
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Nikolaus Elohim pfp
Nikolaus Elohim
That’s why I went into it. I wanted to be happy. And I saw that the only people who are happy on this planet are the enlightened masters. So I decided to become one myself.
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Priya 🦉🎩 pfp
Priya 🦉🎩
"Our own self-realization is the greatest service we can render the world." - Ramana Maharshi Happy International Day of Yoga 🧘 ❤️
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Nikolaus Elohim pfp
Nikolaus Elohim
To those who want to know the answer- the final answer- only self-realization contains the answer. Most thought do not want to find the absolute and final and singular truth or answer. Most are ok with living a peaceful life - and there’s nothing wrong with that either. Regardless of your level of realization, your highest expression on this planet in this life and in this moment is always full authenticity. Fully authentic means fully embodied.
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Nikolaus Elohim pfp
Nikolaus Elohim
To make things easy I am interested in Human Design (MG 1/4), self realization, non duality (so called but whatever), the absolute truth, the supreme being, the ribhu gita, the ashtavakra gita, ramana maharshi. blockchain programming, creating financial systems, building heaven on earth, smart contracts, Kosmos, collective ascension. Ex apple and Silicon Valley I have mastered all technologies but see them as tools to evolve human consciousness. Co founder of Seeds the conscious currency and Hypha DAO. I like making apps and I really appreciate this app here. It’s great.
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