One.L pfp



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One.L pfp
In light of Biden's new tax proposal, I think it's time we sit down and really come to terms with the fact that the US has a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Image courtesy of the IMF - US Gov't spending as a % of GDP since 1800.
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One.L pfp
From a discussion I had this morning: Private markets must evolve as AI and blockchain drive transparency, challenging their exclusivity. Expect a shift to cost-efficient, accessible investing—just as we've seen in public markets. The future is open and democratized investing.
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One.L pfp
Lots of people seem to think crypto investing is just a Las Vegas wannabe, not realizing that there are actually income investing options in crypto. For those who wanna understand more, we just released this:
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One.L pfp
Yesterday, I spoke at a conference full of CDOs and CTOs from CeFi. After chatting with them, it’s clear: I’m not worried about competition from that corner. Most think the whole blockchain industry is a joke and see no real utility in it. 🙃
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One.L pfp
Had a super interesting discussion today with a guy from...wait for it...the insurance industry. Was cool to walk through the way insurance companies view blockchain. As a founder, it made me self-analyze how we view risk, and think of the ways that we can better manage it going forward.
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One.L pfp
Austin Campbell penned this great piece on Beba's current SEC challenges, showing the nonsense regulatory landscape facing blockchain technology in the USA. It's a must-read—concise, easily understood, yet very informative.
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One.L pfp
To build, you must think rationally. To grow, you must think empirically. To sell, you must realize that your customers are doing neither of these things.
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One.L pfp
Just returned from a discussion on the adoption of stablecoins for US payments. IMO a significant barrier is the US consumer's affinity for credit card rewards. Will the benefits of stables to merchants encourage a shift in payment preferences?
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One.L pfp
I am seeing more of my peers move to a "own productive assets / rent everything else" model. They are forgoing buying homes and cars and instead buying real estate, stocks, crypto, and income assets. Thoughts on this trend? Anyone else seeing the same?
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One.L pfp
Highly recommend "Alchemy" by Rory Sutherland. It's a great reminder not to be blinded by rationalism at the expense of empiricism and to keep in mind that logical solutions aren't always the only or the best solutions.
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One.L pfp
Based on a VC chat I had today: Despite investor excitement over crypto, being a blockchain founder feels like stealth mode: AI still has all the spotlight, making Web3 seem like our little secret.
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One.L pfp
Was debating AI photos with a friend. How do you think AI-generated images will change our cultural world? For better or worse?
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One.L pfp
Food for thought: Patreon is just OnlyFans, but for people's brains.
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One.L pfp
This week our team extracted 45 years of Warren Buffett teachings from his shareholder letters into 10 core lessons. An essential guide for every investor:
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One.L pfp
U.S. Government: We are spending $65 Billion laying fiber optic cables in rural areas... 😀 Wall Street Analysts: but what about the existing satellite internet network? 🤨 U.S Government: 🤫 American Tax Payers: 🫠
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One.L pfp
In recent months, Airbnb regulations have been making headlines, especially in the wake of New York City's Local Law 18. In my latest article, I dive deep into the arguments and interests shaping Airbnb regulations.
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One.L pfp
I hear a lot of people talking about corporate landlords buying American homes (taking them off the market), and so I went ahead and did some research & wrapped it up in an article - for those interested: 👉
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One.L pfp
Took a look this week at how the Web3 industry can help investors make the best decisions with the help of cognitive science:
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One.L pfp
Looking to solve the #HousingCrisis? The answer may lie in our past. Time to rediscover the American Boarding House: communal living, affordability, and a vibrant community. 🏘️🔑🏙️
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One.L pfp
This week's article - why TradFi is starting to warm up to Crypto:
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