Elie pfp
Anyone familiar with Parcl? What keeps the oracle price, and the price it's trading at on their exchange, intact? What stops them depegging? Not finding anything on their site or on Google.
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jon pfp
They have some info on their V2 Lite Paper on how their oracle price feed works: https://parcl.notion.site/Parcl-v2-6f27eaed8a5e46e29762a9de128ba0f9 Their docs state they run the price oracles, and secure them through Pyth. https://docs.parcl.co/
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Elie pfp
How does this keep oracle and market prices in sync? What if the market decides to depeg from the oracle? What pushes the peg back?
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jon pfp
The oracle price is the market price. When the market price changes, the oracle price updates to reflect that change in real time.
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