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What’s the best place to find cheap but high quality freelance devs abroad?
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Samuel ツ
manual vetting on Fiverr for clear scope'd gigs I have had good experiences with. bountycaster has been great as well, still heavy scope required but can also use it to search and let people apply by giving a rough outline. if the scope isn't defined find an agency like or /fbi Labs
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Thanks. I run a sort of agency: Feel like you’re asking for trouble with a lot of the above. Fiverr really hard to find good quality. Bountycaster I assume is just small one offs? And agency will charge huge overhead. Options like Lemon, Skilled or Braintrust more the sort of thing I’m after. But being able to pick up good talent in geos where cost of living is lower.
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Also meant more long term hourly rather than fixed projects
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Linda Xie
Bountycaster not only small one offs. It's just a listing board so you can create your post and include the amount "negotiable" if you don't have a price and ask people to reply or DM you if interested e.g.
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