Ignas | DeFi pfp
Ignas | DeFi
Solana is down. Bad timing as Firedancer update is just months away. It will bring improvements to the network's performance, scalability, and security. Will this affect Solana's reputation? Perhaps but Firedancer might fix this.
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Sui🔮🎩 pfp
Thankfully even if Farcaster’s Client Warpcast is down we have multiple clients like Supercast, Opencast, Flink, Farcord and few more.
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Ignas | DeFi pfp
Ignas | DeFi
This is actually what Firedancer will do. It will have a new client and as far as I know, only Ethereum has two clients. But feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
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Ed Za pfp
Ed Za
Ethereum has many clients For execution layer: Geth, Reth, Nethermind, Erigon, Besu Probably missing some
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Ignas | DeFi pfp
Ignas | DeFi
And what about other chains?
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Ed Za pfp
Ed Za
Very few have diverse clients. iirc Bitcoin has some alternative clients but they define consensus by the dominant client so it’s kind of pointless. Not sure how others stack up tbh.
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