Tony Edwards pfp

Tony Edwards


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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
ok this 'your account is locked' has no place in Aristotle's Golden world i would pay a fee to be done with this garbage nonsense
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
having mars in ur sign is the shiznit just sayin'
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
the more convoluted your project is, the more likely it will fail
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
uhhh what? deus ex machina is that u?
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
someone really needs to do a remake of v4vendetta with a clear speaking lead. it was unlistenable then and its still unlistenable now. very similar to the bane debacle. stop with the weird fake accents already. authenticity is preferred.
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
alright twenty one pilots i am gonna need you to pay rent soon if you keep living in my head
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
actively avoiding anything that inserts so-called 'AI' into its service I prefer Authentic Intelligence -my own not to say there is no value there in some AI, but if no one is asking for it - it could be the kiss of death 4 ur app/etc
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
forcing your mint through a specific wallet is suss very suss there are many fine wallets out there and you should respect peoples choic of wallet
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
been at this since 2018 maybe 17 hat tip ethertulips and YET today another botched drop SMH dear buildoors, shit-flare IS NOT YOUR FRIEND
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
omg if you are going to bombard us with suss 'sponsered ads' at least get some beautiful people hard on the eyes aint gonna sell your wares
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
unless your sleeping under a rock Glass Animals dropped a new track today get ready to burn out the repeat button sheer utter brilliance
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
'hi we are a Dex/Cex. what token should we list next? PS. we dont really actually care about ur answers - we are just clickbait farmers. and we do this all the time. haha so funny.'
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
being a lefty artist please don't get me started on the horrible horrible horrible 'art'/graphics/pictures used into todays tv commercials/modern advertising
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
im still waiting for a crypto/defi company to actively & actually implement user feedback/suggestions into their build if its logical feasable and profitable why not do it it's as if ego blocks profits why ingnore/block a feedback loop that benefits all ? S M H
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
you can send a rocket into space but your social media site still cant remember if i am human ? ridonkulous
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
crypto game builder works 4 years on game. player$ wait for it and anticipated rewards builder YEARS later. we're still workin still workin' me whynot release ordinal 4 da game even if its commemorative bulder 'nah. dont need that. i have plenty of ur $ to work with SMH
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
did anyone ask you if you wanted so-called 'AI' into every app / site / device that you use / visit ? nah i didnt think so knock knock neo the trix has you deus ex 'dark rock' is on the march
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
there is a reason old jeans sell on ebay no stretchy fabric jeans used to be jeans not everything needs to be stretchy and don't get me started on clothes made from 'recycled' materials it's trash - you are paying for trash fools
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
i have so many nfts strectching back to 2018 that i dont even kno what i gotz anymore lol thats what u get when scrolling thru the floor app @floor
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Tony Edwards pfp
Tony Edwards
uh did Deus ex machina post an update recently all is glitchy this morn def some ghosts in the machine
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