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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
Memecoins have been around for a while and haven't changed much. They aren't going away, but they won't be a source of lasting innovation either. Memecoins are just a symptom of other powerful and promising phenomena on the web: memes, social networks, permissionless verified computation, and more. Focus on those.
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jamesyoung.eth pfp
this cycle of memecoins feel like 4Chan has invaded crypto buy is the new reply
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Joe Toledano pfp
Joe Toledano
I would even argue that memecoins are just a more viral manifestation of the same speculative financial opportunities that have existed for about as long as financial markets. The key distinction to me here is the relatively frictionless way for one to emerge and build liquidity.
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Xin pfp
naming memecoin as "memecoin" is 100% brain usage
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