borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak
gm, fun fact: 50%-80% of people do not have inner monologue if you have a "voice" in your head — you're "abnormal"
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Ed O'Shaughnessy pfp
Ed O'Shaughnessy
Posit strong correlation with aphantasia. Would be hard to operate with no mind's eye and no inner monologue.
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
I have aphantasia, but a strong inner monologue
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Zeebu pfp
I wonder if folks with aphantasia can dream. If they can, it should be pretty easy to imagine objects. But then again, I am not a neuro-scientist
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
I can dream perfectly vividly, but cannot visualize anything when awake. I’m on the more extreme side — I can’t summon forth any imagery, which is unfortunate for me because I can’t even remember family, friends, or my spouse’s face beyond rote list of details.
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Ed O'Shaughnessy pfp
Ed O'Shaughnessy
@quillingqualia.eth Zero imagery for me when awake, inner monologue usually a walk through of the environment if I'm trying to navigate or remember a route. Very little imagery when dreaming, just occasionally in a liminal state. Recall is verbal description, and memory largely semantic not prescriptive.
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