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eatenbyplants 🎩
Allotmenteers: What are you getting in the ground in April then? Or what are you starting off on your windowsill?!
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Great question! We're seeding some tomatoes, cabbage & courgettes at the moment in-house, gradually potting on, and hope to get them into the ground at the allotment in a few weeks time. 🌱 🐈 How about you?
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eatenbyplants 🎩
I'm still way behind on my 'non' food plants at the moment! This week I need to get the canna seeds scored and soaking, and get the colocasia and alocasia on the warming bench.... I'm a month behind at least.
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Oooft, I feel that. We are also quite behind on non-produce (and even produce), it doesn't help that it seems everything has started earlier this year... kinda feels like the growing season started a month early. 😅 Hope you'll keep us posted as you progress those! 😸
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eatenbyplants 🎩
I guess the winter has been super mild this year! I was abroad for most of it so have been a bit disconnected to what's been going on. 150 $degen :)
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Yes it seems to have been milder. I noticed a lot of musa basjoo bananas in my area, where the owners didn't even bother fleecing, and they're back in full force! Thanks for the tips, we will put those towards gardening supplies & seeds this season! 🎩🙏😸
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