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eatenbyplants 🎩
Allotmenteers: What are you getting in the ground in April then? Or what are you starting off on your windowsill?!
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Great question! We're seeding some tomatoes, cabbage & courgettes at the moment in-house, gradually potting on, and hope to get them into the ground at the allotment in a few weeks time. 🌱 🐈 How about you?
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eatenbyplants 🎩
I'm still way behind on my 'non' food plants at the moment! This week I need to get the canna seeds scored and soaking, and get the colocasia and alocasia on the warming bench.... I'm a month behind at least.
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Oooft, I feel that. We are also quite behind on non-produce (and even produce), it doesn't help that it seems everything has started earlier this year... kinda feels like the growing season started a month early. 😅 Hope you'll keep us posted as you progress those! 😸
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