eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp

eatenbyplants 🎩


859 Following

eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
Officially signed the papers to acquire the company I've had my eye on. Winner. LFG!
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
The new Oslo tourism ad is so good. Nailed it.
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
Anyone out there use Google chat vs Slack? Everyone in company already embedded in Gsuite (not using any chat) so seems kinda intuitive to just use Gchat (and also free) - but I have had 8 yrs+ in slack-land s. Anyone wanna advise?!
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
GM lovely people. The sun (I just about remembered what it looked like) has been here in the UK the last few days, so everything had to stop to be outside to appreciate it.
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
Slow start to the year for the garden (due to me not putting in the effort last month) but it’ll get there eventually!
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
Coming soon
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
Can't believe the allinpod guys @chamath managed to get a 45min chat in with Trump. Looking forward to watching that one tonight.
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
GM. Commissioning a local illustrator to inject some personality to one of my ecomms this week. Super excited to see what he comes up with.
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
Christ on a bike google ads has changed since last time I spent any time fiddling on there. I have a steep learning curve again.
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
GM y'all. Who knows about story telling? I want some recommendations to learn to be better! Books / sites / podcasts etc
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
GM. Mostly arguing with pigeons today. Pretty sure they are spies
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
Gm pop pickers. Shreddies, Weetabix, Cornflakes or Sugar Puffs this morning?
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
Gm degens. This is kinda how my brain feels rn.
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
gm people. people still minting free art nfts? Has been a while since I created. I have an urge to get creating another for the Miami series.
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
Gm. Whatcha’ll up to today?
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
I dreamt last night I was sitting under the stars in the deep blue black sky watching a meteor shower, then more and more flew past, followed by a sudden shift in cloud formation, then more weird meteors, followed by a massive nuke on the horizon that I felt burn me up as I woke up. Do I need a therapist? πŸ˜…
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
Gm fam
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
Kinda terrifying going from 10+ years dropshipping (basically risk free commerce from my laptop) to having IRL warehouse and staff. No fkin pressure.
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eatenbyplants 🎩 pfp
eatenbyplants 🎩
Still stuck in acquisition contract limbo hell. Why does everything have to take so long! Risk of people being sneaky in the last few weeks of trading before handover mostly. How to prevent the OG owner not just grabbing all the cash as drawings before switch. Fun fun fun!
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