suzuha ⚡️🌙 pfp
suzuha ⚡️🌙
i find mastodon and similar a bit annoying, because i think they’re doomed approaches that refuse to ack the platform/network dynamics that they compete with
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suzuha ⚡️🌙 pfp
suzuha ⚡️🌙
activitypub is fine, i guess, but it does nothing to build a commons that’s resistant to enclosure and where power is actually in the hands of users
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Chris Dixon pfp
Chris Dixon
In federated systems, sustaining decentralized governance depends on there being no scale or network effects at server level
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Reality Crafter pfp
Reality Crafter
The federated approach just devolves in the same problems as twitter, just many times over on a smaller scale. The fact that @ mentions pull people into private chats is also cursed.
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