dylan pfp
find myself transacting more on L2s lately and it's been so pleasant to basically forget about gas -- makes me do a double take when I'm transacting on a L1 now lol
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dylan pfp
but at the same time, i wonder why optimism would encourage OP Stack rollups for L2's that have zero extra config(eg. there's virtually no change in setup between Optimism and Zora) to me, this only adds friction for both devs and users. i think the config needs to happen at the app/protocol level instead.
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dylan pfp
farcaster is actually a great social comparison to this systems problem. we shouldn't create multiple different social protocols that have very similar setups, we should instead have stronger configuration at the app-level so that both developers and users have more optionality/flexibility.
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dylan pfp
damn that cast just put a light bulb in my head and i can't stop thinking about that comparison
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