dylan pfp



1088 Following

dylan pfp
huge if true!! (espc. if this supports webauthn directly and not just third-party passkeys) https://x.com/jullerino/status/1782910112815866070?s=46&t=8l54n7dYtHePgMrhGh-cUw
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dylan pfp
doubt this is a real “source code leak”, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a rabbit uses playwright for certain app actions https://x.com/itsandrewgao/status/1782876736197451946?s=46&t=8l54n7dYtHePgMrhGh-cUw
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dylan pfp
getting a little too carried away with this tool viggle.ai 😂 😂 😂 might be one of the coolest /ai products i've used in a while though https://warpcast.com/dylsteck.eth/0x1ad25952
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dylan pfp
this is how much energy and excitement i'll be showing up to farhack with next week 😂😂😂
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dylan pfp
unbiased review from my dad, glad that this book can help educate more folks about the true value of web3/crypto beyond all the hype cycles and scams
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dylan pfp
last call for /farhack registration!! reply in the quoted cast if you’re waiting for approval or are approved and can no longer attend IRL this weds we’ll start to ramp up comms in this channel as we come into the final stretch before the hackathon!! https://warpcast.com/ted/0xcc215ad3
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dylan pfp
now I just need to grab some dunkin and I’ll be ready to cast on farcast-uh 😂😂 @mikedemarais.eth
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dylan pfp
maybe better suited for /mobile but not seeing much content about mobile dev there, so sticking this here! this would be a game changer -- i swear pod installs take forever on expo because your worker instance needs to run this on the fly for *every build* https://twitter.com/Baconbrix/status/1782430920399614215
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dylan pfp
watching videos in @family is pretty sleek — onchain is becoming the new youtube, twitter, instagram, spotify, and everything else all in one your verifiable, interoperable CMS
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dylan pfp
litecast will be back and functioning on mobile soon… (if you were on the testflight, the first small bug fix should go live in a day or two)
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dylan pfp
/farcon is literally *ten days* away now 👀 going to bed thinking about how epic those few days are going to be having everyone around!!!
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dylan pfp
Test parent cast
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dylan pfp
My thoughts on why some of the first AI hardware/pendant products are falling short, and what a happy medium might look like https://drakula.app/post/c46b45d0-5776-416b-9091-1d65754559cf?invite=TQBWtb
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dylan pfp
my first /youtube video since /openai dev day in november, make sure to watch & follow below for updates! https://youtu.be/A0f3hlxcbIA?si=HjSoJoQBX86IeFxM https://warpcast.com/dylsteck.eth/0xf1db1deb
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dylan pfp
sf-casters, this true? lol https://x.com/skull_wooden/status/1782130940342325586?s=46&t=8l54n7dYtHePgMrhGh-cUw
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dylan pfp
Took a few minutes with my new recording setup today to talk about something that's been on my mind lately -- The Pendant Problem My thoughts on why some of the first AI hardware/pendant products are falling short, and what a happier medium might look like
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dylan pfp
i *looove* when i'm in a random file and stumble upon things from my past that i completely forgot about here's a thread of some random sketches i'm finding in a figma file from 3yrs ago dont fully remember this one but i bet you it was something inspired by dynamicland.org lol
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dylan pfp
now *that* is how you start off a series!!! firing on all cylinders
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dylan pfp
haven’t tried meta integrated ai products yet but this is a good take — they could surface so much context on you from across all their apps (harder for openai to do without building a corpus of data from other apps/sources) https://x.com/localghost/status/1781768909068325025?s=46&t=8l54n7dYtHePgMrhGh-cUw
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dylan pfp
this ESPN promo has me *hyped up* for the playoffs!! let’s get this 18th banner /bostonceltics!!!
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