Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
An influential blog post on our thinking for how we're building and what we hope Farcaster can become is Vitalik's "Credible Neutrality As A Guiding Principle". A few choice highlights. https://nakamoto.com/credible-neutrality
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Farcaster path to credible neutrality: - Hubs for data and APIs - Sign ups are permissionless AND there are non-Warpcast apps / interfaces to sign up / manage a Farcaster account / create signers / etc. (this is our top priority) - There's a credible app you can use if you don't want to use Warpcast
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iSpeakNerd pfp
@moar save this for my reading list
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝
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