Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
If you got a weekly email digest of all the most interesting casts, links, tweets, etc. -- what topic would it be? Assume it's excellent quality.
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humpty pfp
Builder stories/threads
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greys ↑ pfp
greys ↑
The people that have been beaten up telling their building story. The people that have been cheered up yelling their building story.
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frdysk | 0.78% pfp
frdysk | 0.78%
Anything scientific about human; anatomy, emotion, potential, future, etc.
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moreReese pfp
Product launches described in context, bullet summaries of top articles circling on the platform, spicy takes, beautiful visual art
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Nicholas Charriere pfp
Nicholas Charriere
For me Benedict Evans does this perfectly. It's a mix of tech (+ politics or other subject when they become relevant to tech) with curation of interesting topics that's quite opinionated.
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Jayme Hoffman pfp
Jayme Hoffman
Topic: everything in web3 NFTs, DAO discussion, protocol updates, crypto news (ie jaredfromsubway)
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Ike pfp
Im going contrarian here and saying everything NOT web3, crypto, building, etc. Thats actually all I see in my feed and this ecosystem is a bit too homogeneous IMO. Id suggest highlighting a "photo of the week", "thread of the week", etc for example. Demo the features!
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RoboCopsGoneMad pfp
Scale Modeling, mini-painting, dioramas. Needs rich image options.
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mk pfp
Unconventional applications of tech. A doctor in rural using simple tools to make things easier.
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vincent pfp
This Week in Farcaster?
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Maybe Im Wasabi〽️ pfp
Maybe Im Wasabi〽️
Maybe it would be tailored based on the type of casts you’ve posted and interacted with before
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Alephwyr pfp
Dragon Simulations
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tadas pfp
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