Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
New feature on Warpcast: trending mint notifications If a mintable NFT has >50 people on Farcaster mint it, you'll get a notification.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
If you’re not interested, you can disable on the mobile app in Notifications.
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π’ͺ pfp
this is a really thoughtful feature, there’s so much noise and fragmentation across social media apps and it’s nice to see someone working on helping artists cut through the noise without having to incessantly shill their work
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Kevin 🎩 pfp
Kevin 🎩
This shouldn’t be op-out. It should be opt-in. Don’t get me wrong I like the notification but it seems like an invasion to turn it on by default
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Really, really cool feature. Which chains are checked? Would be nice if L2s (and even testnets?) were supported.
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maurelian - q/dau pfp
maurelian - q/dau
Awesome feature. Quick feedback: if you click on the image rather than the mint button, it takes you here. And once I was there I was like "I know I saw a mint button somewhere", but I couldn't figure out where I'd actually seen it. Seems like the collection page should have a similar button.
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
🀯 You’re blowing my mind in the feed today: 1. I submitted my first vote DAO vote ever. 2. I discovered a super interesting nft I wouldn’t have known about. These two things would simply not have happened for me without this UX. Super super cool.
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jonwalch pfp
This is a 10/10 feature. I'm so bad at following narratives and this is super helpful, especially for open mints.
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CBobRobison pfp
That's cool. Is there any thinking around how to integrate this type of alert with Nouns-style NFTs? Or just like Nouns.build production? (since these are based more in bids rather than mints)
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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
Would be cool if the registry itself and each mint was interactable (i.e. reply, like, recast)
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amir 🎩 pfp
amir 🎩
Cool feature! πŸ‘πŸ»
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Aryan 🎩 pfp
Aryan 🎩
liked it ;)
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7040.eth 🎩 pfp
7040.eth 🎩
Nice feature! I've gotten a notification about the same NFT six times today though.
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Luffy 🎩 pfp
Luffy 🎩
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Lil_$ pfp
this is a interesting feature
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