Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
What's something that's confusing to you about Farcaster?
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gfun.eth pfp
Why no dark mode?
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Matthew pfp
the whole topic of amps is still confusing to me… maybe something to highlight in a FC broadcast?
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ツ pfp
Nothing really confusing to me, but a very small set of people I've invited asked me "why does it ask me to create a wallet" (and those are people in the web3 space already)
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randhawa pfp
can I attach more than one wallet? I think I can but not sure (my first day here) Also unsure about “direct cast” rules, is it like a setting to turn on and off or do both folks need to follow each other
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Henrique Cartaxo (Augurs) pfp
Henrique Cartaxo (Augurs)
What can it do that twitter can't?
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tadas pfp
What's a protocol?
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Denis Igin 🇺🇦 pfp
Denis Igin 🇺🇦
Threading, feels inherited from Twitter
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exodus pfp
waiting for dm feature to come to desktop app ☹️
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q/dau wartime art hoe pfp
q/dau wartime art hoe
lack of egirl recruitment initiatives
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Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
why I can't paste a picture? I need to attach it 😑 (i'm using it on my desktop)
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ツ pfp
Oh just thought about another one that's Warpcast related, I can't figure out how to search for a NFT collection to find holders on Farcaster (for example I wanted to find Nouns and it's not in the Discover tab anywhere, so I went to a profile which I know has a Nouns to find it)
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Bozo.eth pfp
The onboarding / signing on non-warpcaster apps like Eventcaster, etc! Although I feel this will be a solved issue soon once the Sign-in-with-Farcaster feature is launched.
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Mailchain pfp
once i'm in, feels very intuitive! logged in with a new wallet at first, no purchase of NFTs, as it's a business account. was friction getting through the first push to integrate NFT to profile, can't remember how i did it honestly. But as a business, don't necessarily want onchain activity visible.
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nixo pfp
why can't I search for topics or mentions of things that I'm interested in?
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Kiran Pathakota pfp
Kiran Pathakota
How do I use all the other apps in a way that makes Farcaster more interesting? Only Warpcast is easy to use, everything else requires a detailed manual.
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Venkatesh Rao ☀️ pfp
Venkatesh Rao ☀️
I don’t really get the idea of using the seed phrase in a wallet to access other apps using the protocol. This feels like mixing abstraction levels. Like an L1.5 thing in between L1 and L2. You really expect me to put the FC seed phrase into a metamask type wallet to access dApps that build on FC? 😵‍💫
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Warren Welsh pfp
Warren Welsh
As someone with the initials “WW” I dig the W app icon, but I’m not a fan of the name ‘Warpcast’ The word warp has some unfortunate connotations. That’s about it… Great platform, The client could use a rebrand tho’
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Roberto Bayardo 🎩 pfp
Roberto Bayardo 🎩
Someone shared a farcaster link that opened fine in a web browser but it was unclear how to get that to open in the warpcast app instead.
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AwedJob 🎩 pfp
AwedJob 🎩
Why aren’t there hashtags?
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