Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
And a reminder: 1. A channel is a curated space with a host. You don't have a right to cast in a channel. 2. You're always free to cast to your followers outside of a channel. 3. You can create your own channel.
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six — f/arcon ↑ pfp
six — f/arcon ↑
so long term, if experiment is successful, channels can be gated at protocol level?
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Trish🫧✈️🎩 pfp
Are all casts in a private channel kept private? Like if I token gated a channel for my own personal use, do my casts in that channel remain private across Farcaster?
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Guts 🧙‍♂️🍖 pfp
Guts 🧙‍♂️🍖
Few days ago I had no problem here Now I can’t Dm None follows can’t see me Or my comments Not sure if you see this WC support is not available I bought storage and paid but didn’t suit my account…
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dudewith.eth 🎩🍖 pfp
dudewith.eth 🎩🍖
https://warpcast.com/dudewith/0xabcf2f7d Please do support Ser
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