Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
The best way to change Farcaster if you're unhappy with it: 1. Use another client like @supercast and give the developer feedback 2. Build / fund someone to build your own client like /nouns is doing 3. Thoughtful critique either publicly or privately to me and Varun
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
What not to do 1. Critique but then refuse to engage :)
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proxy ⚪️ studio pfp
proxy ⚪️ studio
has Farcaster or Warpcast considered incentivizing content? Some of these problems are client side, or relate to network size. But there does seem to be an opportunity to fund some content creation that could have an outsized impact on network health compared to costs
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dialethia 🍖🎩 pfp
dialethia 🍖🎩
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