Dan Romero
PSA - We're increasing the price of 1 storage unit from $5 to $7 next week w/ permissionless launch - Everyone who migrated last month got 2 free storage slots - 1 storage slot: 5000 casts, 2500 likes, 2500 follows - You can buy storage on @sammdec.eth's helpful site with OP Mainnet ETH. https://caststorage.com
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A few questions: - is there a fixed date when this increase will occur? - Will a new storage contract be released or just values updated in the existing one? - are there any other changes to be aware of?
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Dan Romero
Likely Wed October 11th (next week) No changes, just turning off sign up gating and updating pricing One thing might be the pricing will change depending on demand cc @v @horsefacts.eth who can weigh in on where to find that https://github.com/farcasterxyz/protocol/discussions/126
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horsefacts 🚂
To see how many units are rented, look here: https://optimistic.etherscan.io/address/0x00000000fcce7f938e7ae6d3c335bd6a1a7c593d#readContract#F21 For the current USD price, look here and move the decimal left 8 places: https://optimistic.etherscan.io/address/0x00000000fcce7f938e7ae6d3c335bd6a1a7c593d#readContract#F26
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