Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
What's something that's confusing to you about Farcaster?
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Nicholas Charriere pfp
Nicholas Charriere
Invited non technical friends and for them it was the seed phrase. They misunderstood both what it was for and how important it was (and lost it). More personally, I still find threads hard to navigate.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Assume no seed phrase during onboarding in the next 12 months? Do you think those people are still using Warpcast? re: threads — do you want more replies to replies displayed by default?
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Nicholas Charriere pfp
Nicholas Charriere
on seed phrase: I assume non crypto people won't be as engaged, but when I sent over warpcast.com links for them to engage, they said they were locked out. So I think that they could be slowly activated, yes (assuming the content becomes more generic).
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Nicholas Charriere pfp
Nicholas Charriere
on threads: a frustrating pattern is that i click on a notification and i see only that one reply, but I *know* there are more since i see them in notifs. My current technique is to go back to either top level and click "see more" many times, or try to get from notifs screen. Both feel jank. I want to navigate within
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Sally pfp
Yes as some posts show 1 reply so suggesting not much conversation but click in and there are a lot more.
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Elie pfp
Seed phrases a challenge for crypto as a whole. Seedless mpc wallets with backups like zengo might be a better future. Don’t think you can rely on users to safely store a phrase. Forgot password is what the whole world uses. Crypto needs to be the same.
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