Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Some people seem confused, so worth a reminder: if I don't follow you, that doesn't mean Farcaster isn't decentralized. :)
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ildi pfp
How about answering this question then? Since you are the benevolent dictator and can rug any channel from anyone. https://warpcast.com/ghostlinkz.eth/0x02ab3b63
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Your channels are fine. We're winding down the channel host chat anyways. I have no personal issue with you, fwiw. Just don't think it's productive to discuss protocol data since we have seem to have irreconcilable points of view. I wish you the best whether on Farcaster or not if you choose to leave.
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ildi pfp
I have always communicated with respect and integrity. Me pointing out what @v said 3 months ago, is out of frustration with the spam. This is honest feedback regardless of how you guys think I meant it. I hope you realize that how you both reacted today is completely against what you claim to be building here
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