Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
This would do really well.
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daivd 🎩👾🔵 pfp
daivd 🎩👾🔵
Will be rad af I mentioned /every /every/channel/is/a/repo sometime ago, and this suggest feels like /every /every/channel/is/a/pwa
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🌈 grant 🎩 🐸 pfp
🌈 grant 🎩 🐸
This is what I think /drakula should be
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q/dau wartime art hoe pfp
q/dau wartime art hoe
would be good to have this metadata in the protocol when channels get there ie logo
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
Seems like an elegant way to get the thing I’ve always wanted: https://warpcast.com/tldr/0x92fb3baf
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🚂 pfp
instagram < /memes
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Simon 🔵🎩👽🔴 pfp
Simon 🔵🎩👽🔴
I could be wrong but I know @bixbite is working on something that kind of sounds similar for /gloomtoken
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0xHashbrown🎩🍖✋ pfp
PWA with a hash for the channel + other Farcaster native features, maybe more?
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