Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
PSA for future "shock images" Warpcast will nerf folks for explicit images. It's not deterministic, our judgement. This isn't a court. - I'll ask the user to delete the cast - If they don't, I'll nerf on Warpcast To be clear: the cast exists at the protocol. Similar to websites, Google doesn't have to index you.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
More on nerfs here: https://warpcast.notion.site/Nerfs-3226885de1554031b2902ac2d3f9b15c I also suspect Warpcast will eventually have automatic NSFW categorization for images.
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Carlos Diaz pfp
Carlos Diaz
So basically what you are saying here is that the promise of a censorship resistant platform doesn’t resist common sense and political correctness?
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Jason Goldberg  pfp
Jason Goldberg
Not picking a fight. Genuinely curious. (And ❤️ debate) If users have option to unfollow, hide, mute, block, why does client need to nerf? So long as it’s not harming or threatening another person, why take such a heavy hand? I’m not saying you are wrong, just trying to understand your logic and policy.
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timdaub (🥝,🎩) pfp
timdaub (🥝,🎩)
there you go alternative client developers, here is a real market Warpcast is not willing to serve explicitly
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yesyes pfp
Can you add an image detection AI to automatically blur suspected NSFW content and warn the users that the image might contain inappropriate stuff?(ofcourse give the users an option to unblur it for themselves).That would be nice.
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
mb for the pic was just testing something out I will say tho this furthers my point that clients >> protocols
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Nico.cast🎩  pfp
will you nerf the cast or the user?
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Jon 🎩👽  pfp
Jon 🎩👽
Everyone who builds has the right to do what they want with that platform You go girl (or equivalent saying) If ppl want un encumbered casting let them move to another platform. The best win when the ppl vote with their attention
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Jeff Feiwell pfp
Jeff Feiwell
I’ve only posted a couple shirtless selfies Dan, a DM would have sufficed
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nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️ pfp
nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️
Apple is the final boss in the decentralization game
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eric pfp
Would be great to have the nerf service as a public good (or at least a public ally accessible service) for all client developers. I’ve been thinking about that a lot - Livepeer can offer AI based tagging for NSFW videos, and clients can decide what to do.
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Danica Swanson pfp
Danica Swanson
Much appreciated, Dan. Sincerely. This is a kindness for those of us who wish to keep our feeds completely free of such images.
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chrisb (boscolo.eth) pfp
chrisb (boscolo.eth)
I find this to be an interesting datapoint about culture. Bluesky had to deal with this within a month (ish) of users having invites. Farcaster made it pretty far with just "stern warnings" from @dwr.eth. (I say this with no knowledge of what the 🚾 team is dealing with behind the scenes.)
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Tayyab - d/acc pfp
Tayyab - d/acc
Is this in response to something?
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aerique pfp
I assume we're using the US definition of "explicit" here? What kind of shock image was posted?
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Adrian pfp
Caster gonna love this dic…. *delete cast*
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bun.lockb 🟣 pfp
bun.lockb 🟣
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RecklessPickle pfp
> The cast exists at the protocol 👌
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🟢Royal, not Lorde🎩 pfp
🟢Royal, not Lorde🎩
This is actually a great way to incentivize decentralizing the client-base!
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