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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
PSA If you're majority casting low effort stuff like this, Warpcast is going to start filtering this out of feeds for people who don't follow you. Still trying our approach of education / assume good intent (esp. since people are paying money to the protocol)!
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
And for those who think this is a losing battle—maybe! But high ROI to try education (doesn't require any engineering work). But our plan is to start filtering this. And remember, you're free to choose a client that has a different approach. Similar to email services having different spam filters.
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accountless pfp
i support you have to try and keep trying in a smart way — experiment and learn. i believe greater clarity, and rules, literally is how you can lever up or down. “hey, if you type the same shit all the time you seem like a bot. maybe we are wrong… direct cast”
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‎  pfp
What if the other clients follow up and start filtering these contents also?
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