Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Why Priority mode matters LLMs make it easy to create more sophisticated spam. Look at the example below. It will only get worse. Programmatic DDoS of attention at scale. Priority mode by default ensures that only users you follow or with a globally recognized relevance, i.e. Power Badge, will break through.
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Maretus 🎩 pfp
Maretus 🎩
Isn’t this counterproductive to onboarding new users? Shouldn’t we want new users to be able to be heard without spending significant time here first? When I had priority mode on, I was missing so many legitimate humans who were struggling to be heard. I’ve heard from countless people who were ready to give up.
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
Big fan of Priority mode and the optionality to toggle on/off when I’m curious what’s there. It’s been a great feature 🫡
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borodutch @ lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ lunchbreak
not an llm, it didn't use "delve"
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gtscottyyy 🎩 pfp
gtscottyyy 🎩
I really, really appreciate the fact youve given us the option regardless
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frdysk 🦠 pfp
frdysk 🦠
Action button to check if a reply is from LLMs, since it's possible for spammers/bots to put personalities in their LLM replies, normies wouldn't be able to differentiate.
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totty 🔥🧶 pfp
totty 🔥🧶
makes sense 🍖 x 100
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
You know what would be cool? If Warpcast let users create their own rules and filters to label content, kinda like Gmail does. Warpcast could provide general content labels, and users could decide what they want to see or block. My main beef is that the platform currently decides for me what is spam and what isn't.
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‎  pfp
I… it’s right though. 😳
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mk pfp
I like the conviction. Breaking through is like a slow vibe captcha, no? Power Badge is the new Turing Test.
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HODLCEO 🎩🐹💎🙌 pfp
Honestly rather ChatGPT spam than blatant engagement farms. Slightly easier on the eyes and probably pretty simple to identify for most people that use LLMs
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Kyle Tut pfp
Kyle Tut
As a positive, y'all are probably on the front end of figuring out how to deal with this stuff.
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Chinmay 🎩👷 pfp
Chinmay 🎩👷
Are ranking the posts on AI likeliness? The more it looks like an AI, the less it gets shown?
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Taye 🎩🔵 👽⛏️ pfp
Taye 🎩🔵 👽⛏️
How does it affect new comers (good actors) on the protocol? Some people I’ve onboarded had it a little rougher here than I did to say the least.
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llamafacts pfp
I like priority mode. The only change I'd made is to extend the time power users hold their badge. If they had the power badge once, I think we can trust them posting relevant stuff and contributing to getting new power badges. If the goal is to prevent bots, extending the power badge duration only helps in that matter
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