Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
New on Warpcast: mint NFT collections right from your feed As an NFT creator, past your Zora or Highlight URL and the NFT embed will automatically link to the mint web page. https://i.imgur.com/UyWRFEh.png
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Coulter pfp
This is really neat. Small bit of minor feedback: on iOS the mint button kind of gets hidden in dark mode. Could just be me though 🤷‍♂️ https://i.imgur.com/BvS4JU0.jpg
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
will think about an improvement!
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Coulter pfp
Again, super minor but felt dumb trying to tap the big image to mint and realized I had to tap “mint” itself - maybe just make it the purple highlight you use at top of timeline for “all” “mentions” buttons
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