Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
A friendly reminder that a protocol like Farcaster is not possible in a country / world controlled by the CCP.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
The US / West are not perfect before the false moral equivalence takes
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Baikan pfp
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Chaotic Neutral pfp
Chaotic Neutral
But surely Unlonely would be possible under the CCP.. right? Right???
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Robin A. pfp
Robin A.
I have worked with a handful of Web3 founders from CCP helping them bootstrap their venture. Once their project got some traction, they had to relocate countries as fundamentally the values of their project did not align with the state. This usually meant leaving everything behind.
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kiki 🍥 pfp
kiki 🍥
Have you read the Restrict Act? I suspect it won’t go far and will be replaced by lesser yet similar legislature, or a different version will pass. I *am* however, concerned about its likeness to the Patriot Act and how that could impact sovereign liberties.
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
a protocol like farcaster also needs diverse perspectives! my goal is that for every 10 negative things posted about the CCP, it would be cool to see 1 non-negative thing about them
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🪷 pfp
By is not possible, do you mean that Merkle Manufactory would not be permitted by the CCP? My understanding of a protocol like Farcaster is that it is possible regardless of the attempts to control it by the CCP or other nation states
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Liang| /degencast April🎩 pfp
Liang| /degencast April🎩
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frdysk | 0.78% pfp
frdysk | 0.78%
okay Dan, you have my vote
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Shriphani Palakodety pfp
Shriphani Palakodety
The llm developments of these past few weeks show that large scale great firewall type content censorship is no longer labor intensive - this is the era for crypto to shine
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Syed Shah🏴‍☠️🌊Farcon pfp
Syed Shah🏴‍☠️🌊Farcon
You’re just shilling your treasuries again aren’t you bag holder? Nice try Dannnnnn
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Aaina  pfp
china reps the totalitarian end state at the front line of everything that crypto is fighting against / the reason it exists. there is a reason nothing 0-1 comes from China, and it’s the systemic castration of the human spirit. maybe the single most precious thing about this life. so yea no. not today, china.
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Liang| /degencast April🎩 pfp
Liang| /degencast April🎩
That said, ser, the value prop of fc being decentralized is even stronger in CCP China. (like btc)
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Jseam pfp
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Arhat pfp
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