Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
As an English major, I agree that the degree is mostly worthless in 2023. Was different in 1983. https://twitter.com/ktmboyle/status/1659993843209519107
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Colin Farconson ➡️  pfp
Colin Farconson ➡️
I’m pretty confident my English degree is circling back around to having value (after years of not) thanks to prompt engineering 👌
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Jacob pfp
I also studied English/Philosophy I think the most valuable barnacle of that degree in 2023 is the internal process of conjuring, recognizing, and developing even a single novel idea in a vast history of brilliant, well-developed ideas 💡🧠⚡️
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thehilker 🎩↑🥱  pfp
thehilker 🎩↑🥱
I began as an English major and quickly realized what little optionality that gave me. My actual major, communications, was also a joke, but at least there were some practical skills involved, including critical reasoning.
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Jeannette Balleza Collins pfp
Jeannette Balleza Collins
Also an English major. 🙋🏻‍♀️ With a minor in art. 🙃
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kiki 🍥 pfp
kiki 🍥
"College students now know that majoring in Book Club won’t get you a great job." 😭
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rachaelsacks.eth pfp
honestly made good $$$ as a ghostwriter. Dad paid for degree, I'm disgustingly fortunate for that.
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