Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Some people seem confused, so worth a reminder: if I don't follow you, that doesn't mean Farcaster isn't decentralized. :)
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agusti/bleu.eth 🐘 pfp
agusti/bleu.eth 🐘
wen follow tho
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ildi pfp
How about answering this question then? Since you are the benevolent dictator and can rug any channel from anyone. https://warpcast.com/ghostlinkz.eth/0x02ab3b63
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Chaotic Neutral pfp
Chaotic Neutral
Actually the opposite, if you followed everyone, that would effectively centralize you as the common contact among all users which kinda defeats the point
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
I’m confused about this confusion, how does that reflect decentralization?
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polarbeartoenail.eth πŸŽ©πŸ– pfp
polarbeartoenail.eth πŸŽ©πŸ–
πŸš€ Your cast cashed in! Claim 🎩 DEGEN tokens on jam now! 🟣 https://jam.so/?referrer=ArMi6M 🟣
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Anand ΰ΄†ΰ΄¨ΰ΄¨ΰ΅ΰ΄¦ΰ΅πŸ¦‰πŸŽ© pfp
Anand ΰ΄†ΰ΄¨ΰ΄¨ΰ΅ΰ΄¦ΰ΅πŸ¦‰πŸŽ©
As long as it's sufficiently decentralised, we good :P
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Erik Bulckens 🎩 pfp
Erik Bulckens 🎩
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MP πŸŽ©πŸ”΅πŸ–πŸ§Ύ pfp
MP πŸŽ©πŸ”΅πŸ–πŸ§Ύ
LMEOW bless your heart
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Hi Dan! I know its a weired question but i'm doing some tasks in a community reward program via guild.xyz and one task to get rewardpoints would be that you'd follow me lol so i thought to be straight forward about it instead of liking your casts in hopes for a follow ;) Maybe you would be down to do me that favor?πŸ™
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