Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
On storage - Don't overthink it since casts you like or reply will likely be pruned at some point - Farcaster's explicit goal is *real-time* global state. - I fully expect people to offer paid (or free with ads) archiving services, a Wayback Machine type thing, etc.
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mulf pfp
I see FC as more about the social graph rather than data storage. Keeping everyone shit posts indefinitely isn’t valuable imo. Maybe a way to “pin” notable posts would be useful? Or if a post is “notable” by some criteria it is saved from pruning.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
I suspect the winning strategy will be minting a cast (and its verified engagement since everything is a signature) as an NFT as a sort of onchain memorial. cc @jacob
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KMac🎩🍌 pfp
This makes a ton of sense if all the cast related content is stored onchain as part of the minting. If not, it's a "where's to original data?" problem. Was if @farcasteradmin.eth that made @mintit ?
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