pugson pfp
what's the deal with svb? genuine question, i am very out of the loop.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Significant portion of SV capital stack is at SVB — startups, VCs, etc. They had a bank run. Today they were shut down by the government. TBD on what happens next. A lot of startups don’t have access to money for payroll.
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Greg pfp
Would you be concerned about Circle / USDC? SVB only held a small % of assets but we know how much FUD can pull things down
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pugson pfp
oh fuck
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Jason Goldberg  pfp
Jason Goldberg
I’ve seen this detailed explanation in same framing from NYT and WSJ and other credible sources https://warpcast.com/timdaub/0x386032
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Alex Loukissas 🍉 pfp
Alex Loukissas 🍉
Do we know whether they were any warning signs?
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