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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Tell me why I'm wrong: Ethereum L1 or L2 gas fees make micropayments too expensive for everyday consumer apps. Less frequent payments? Sure. But 10x a day? No.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
I love that posting a /bad-takes has a picture of @br1an.eth
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EulerLagrange.eth ∈SF pfp
EulerLagrange.eth ∈SF
UTXOs can make things pretty cheap. Plasma/Validiums are now possible because of advancements in ZKPs. This system doesn’t support arbitrary tx amount though, has to be some standard sizing.
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DCinvestor pfp
likely viable on validium architectures (with off-chain data availability), or you think too expensive there too? haven't heard them discussed in a while, but think volition models could give you best of both worlds (security + cheap tx's when you need them)
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will pfp
sounds right to me but tbh i'm skeptical that humans actually want the cognitive overhead of micropayments (stated vs revealed etc). Interested to watch your warp-tipping experiment play out
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dylan pfp
I think this is part of why people like to use Warps so much
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Syed Shah🏴‍☠️🌊 pfp
Syed Shah🏴‍☠️🌊
I’m confused about the size of payments that would fit this description that would also be good to implement. That Venn Diagram looks like two separate circles to me.
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Jesse Pollak 🔵 pfp
Jesse Pollak 🔵
i agree, would do it with an L3 plasma with alt-DA
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polynya pfp
For micropayments, need $0 fees Will probably need a hybrid solution (acceptable, because very low value) combined with stuff like this:
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Alex Loukissas 🍉 pfp
Alex Loukissas 🍉
we need L7
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Connor McCormick pfp
Connor McCormick
we're entering an age of abundance where energy costs will fall precipitously and epistemic value will become more important ("Yes, this is actually a video of me, not a deepfake")
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Alana Levin pfp
Alana Levin
where are the celestia folks when you need them
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jacob pfp
simply L3
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝
$0.01 tx fee fo $0.33 payment is the same as 2.9% Stripe tax. So if by microtransactions we mean $0.50+ per payment, it'd still be an improvement.
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shazow pfp
Validiums/volitions make fees as cheap as you want to subsidize offchain (can be as cheap as warps), basically off-chain DA transactions that get settled on-chain occasionally. There's a few prod examples today (starkware mainly), I agree it's less accessible than say... "just use Base"
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Jacob pfp
Perhaps L2s will eat into the market share of those 3.5% card processing fees on bill payment websites
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
TradFi also had to figure out had to make micropayments work with the credit card rails and fees.
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m_j_r pfp
as long as the UX is smooth, this fits into the expected budget. is 10 x $.30 pushing it? for sure, but w/ scaling improvements ethereum should be able to handle this. the miss, as far as I can tell, is that most of Ethereum usage has nothing to do IRL daily budget (mostly just entertainment, instead).
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timdaub 🥝 pfp
timdaub 🥝
The simple and true answer is: too early to tell
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Claus Wilke pfp
Claus Wilke
Why is this a bad take? I'm also always surprised how slow Base is. It's cheap, sure, but time to confirmation seems surprisingly long every time I use it. For a consumer-oriented L2 I would expect near instantaneous transactions.
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