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Jorge Ordovás pfp
Jorge Ordovás
Impressive numbers achieved by Farcaster thanks to ALL the users who are dedicating their time on the network for so long. That is why I don't understand many of them are treated as second-class users in Warpcast vs the qDAUs (which I understand are the ones with power badges). And I say that having power badge and OG
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Be specific with what you want changed? Just giving power badges to people you think are good is not a scalable system. Because everyone will claim that. :)
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Jorge Ordovás pfp
Jorge Ordovás
I don't understand why the key factor now is only the interaction with users who have a power badge. That leaves out many users who are getting the numbers that Farcaster can boast of, attracting users with fewer followers, in other languages, with varied themes... I think it's a mistake
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Jorge Ordovás pfp
Jorge Ordovás
I see many users who consider stopping using Farcaster because they feel belittled, forgotten, or worse, they feel that their interactions are being hidden on purpose. And that's how it is, I see them on Supercast but not on Warpcast
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Jorge Ordovás pfp
Jorge Ordovás
Many of us are here because we wanted an open, free, uncensored ecosystem. Fleeing from the unilateral and changing decisions of Elon Musk in X. And here we are at Warpcast debating censorship and decisions that attack the free expression of users on the network
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
1. Farcaster is an "open, free, uncensored ecosystem" 2. Warpcast is an app with an opinionated point of view 3. Try using one of the many clients in the ecosystem that give you more control. 4. You're free to turn off Priority mode. Revealed preference is people prefer it. :)
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Jorge Ordovás pfp
Jorge Ordovás
But this is beyond the badge. What happens to those users who are hidden, who do not appear on my timeline, who cannot pay for Supercast, who paid for an app where they now cannot have visibility? Warpcast's rules have to evolve, but it's also certain that those users will probably abandon Farcaster, not Warpcast
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
1. If you have Priority mode and you're following someone you'll see their content. 2. You have visibility to people following you; you paid for access to the protocol, not for visibility to everyone on Warpcast
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Jorge Ordovás pfp
Jorge Ordovás
Again, it is not me. I still have the power badge. I have the Priority mode off. And I pay for Supercast also. It is for the ones who can't argue, because you decided not to see them. They were here, paying for Warpcast, thinking it would be different than X. And they are leaving, because they see it is not
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
> It is for the ones who can't argue, because you decided not to see them. Why should anyone be forced to see anyone else? Doesn't sound like freedom to me. If you want to be seen, it's on you to figure it out.
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Jorge Ordovás pfp
Jorge Ordovás
It is really difficult to start from scratch now, to interact with people who doesn't see your replies, to cast in an app where the default configuration hides a lot of conversations. Do you really want a Warpcast for "power users"? OK, this is what it is evolving to... congratulations
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
So your proposal is subject everyone to a bunch of low quality casts with the hopes that the smaller number of good ones get followed? Seems like that will cause existing good users to churn.
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Jorge Ordovás pfp
Jorge Ordovás
I said it is not easy, you have to choose. And you did, it is fair. You prefer a curated, censored, opt-out app, qDAUs, power badges just for those who interact with power badges. So let be it
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