Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
PSA for future "shock images" Warpcast will nerf folks for explicit images. It's not deterministic, our judgement. This isn't a court. - I'll ask the user to delete the cast - If they don't, I'll nerf on Warpcast To be clear: the cast exists at the protocol. Similar to websites, Google doesn't have to index you.
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Jon 🎩👽  pfp
Jon 🎩👽
Everyone who builds has the right to do what they want with that platform You go girl (or equivalent saying) If ppl want un encumbered casting let them move to another platform. The best win when the ppl vote with their attention
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
If people want unencumbered casting, they can just use a different client. Hopefully will have a decent open source one that casts directly to a Hub in the next year.
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Jon 🎩👽  pfp
Jon 🎩👽
Yup - sorry I meant move to another client not platform
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