Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp

Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson


621 Following

Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
It's literally in the name
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
hi dude @grug
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
Ross' twitter makes me incredibly sad everytime. An absolute crime by the state.
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
someone gets it
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jihad ↑ pfp
jihad ↑
Higher is more NYC than Nike: a city that is also a brand. If what you want to work on is at the intersection below, you should work, build, and live in the Higher network. Together, we’ll work onchain to bring our optimistic, intentional visions of the future to life.
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26 reactions

Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
Have you consumed crypto today?
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
100000%%%% aesthetics is only half of it ideas + aesthetics makes the complete thing imo
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proxy ⚪️ studio pfp
proxy ⚪️ studio
Category: /higher Project: /believein Creator: @jihad Tags: curation, grants, research Notes: full disclosure I’m long Jihad in size, but I love this idea. Higher will have many such aligned, autonomous guilds. This one will focus on articulating & realizing positive, speculative futures. Will be writing there
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21 reactions

Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
I think like most people use sun screens to avoid superficial skin damage and less so skin cancer.
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
The writing was on the wall
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
But what is Higher? A lifestyle, a mindset, a meme for optimists. It's also a network of aligned people - y(our) co-creators, collaborators, supporters, early users, and friends. motion by @patryk smol studios, edited by @fffflood, idea by me *mint rewards split w @higherco
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
New types of casinos Next generation casinos
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
I've been waiting for this moment
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
I'm not as vocal about it nor as on top of it as @pet3rpan is but to me this is one of the most exciting opportunities crypto has. Net new+++
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
cat today said berries are S-tier for health and apple and watermelon are lowest tier basically useless meme fruits.. lmwo
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
are numbers being done?? heard that numbers are being done here
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