Dusk-Wunar pfp



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Dusk-Wunar pfp
@curve.lens soft liquidation mechanics is the one thing that everyone wanted, yet took so long to implement by any of the other major lending platform. For those unaware what this is, curve has a lending product called Llamalend, which only liquidates minimal collateral if price drops + recovers part of the collate…
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
Missing these Summer times - the Winter cold is hitting hard in Australia 😢 Photo taken at Rottnest Island, Western Australia.
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
Dog vs Puppacino
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
Got a knot from the gym or sport and can’t get rid of it? Spent $$$ on Chiropractors and Physios to help little results? Well if your like me, your issue could be a Myofascial injury, which you can use a DIY method to fix. The above industry’s won’t work long term unless you are willing to go daily / every o…
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
@phaver turning out to be one of the best airdrops this year, especially in regards to distribution and openness. No mystery on how to be eligible. - No wallets cut off to minimise eligible users - Anyone can participate, regardless of $ net worth - Transparent with community - Phairdrop - Actually enjoyable to us…
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
Haha the Nostra Finance drop is probably my favourite of all time. Only time in crypto that I’ve ever been able to say “I would have made more money having it in my bank account” Wasn’t expecting anything really - but they provided me with a much needed laugh haha! NOW GIB ME ZRO CHECKER
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
Did anyone participate in the @Mocaverse quests with Arc8? Here is my beast at level 16. Ugly and beautiful at the same time.
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
Zk sync really should have given a better response. Really all they needed to do was remove known Sybil’s from previous lists and minimise the top allocation. Airdropped amount was good, but that got taken by farmers with multiple wallets (37.5 % going to 2.5% of users) and have seen users get max allocation on …
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
Name a project that’s better than Orbiter Finance in rackin in fees and farming users…. There is no second best.
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
Found a winning claim of $40 in my @polymarket account from 2021. A normal person would most likely withdraw it…orrrrrr I could use it to bet on a random sport I know nothing about. Fk it I’ll go the latter
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
Happy birthday to the most distanced / bitchy cat that ever existed
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
Another SBT and points lost to add to the list of ‘unattainable’ cause of living in a place that for some reason can’t just simply give me a verification stamp that I am a human for some reason (Binance & Swissborg) Phaver user since Feb 2023 and seeing people who have been around a lot shorter time frames get…
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
Why is it so hard for projects to get an airdrop right? I don’t get it honestly Sad state of affairs for a lot of users who were ZKS biggest supporters getting zero, while people who claimed bonsai and degen getting allocations. In addition to this a lot of Sybil’s from L0 getting allocation from ZK. Don’t …
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
If Zk Sync announces a points program I am going to cry
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
Fuck me Starknet has really cooked it Nostra now releasing their token with 100% unlocked at launch (50% to team and investors…) Unless Starknet give a decent airdrop for their second distribution, just can’t see them gaining any traction with users. The sentiment around the chain atm is horrible and the compe…
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
Would do unspeakable things for this reward
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
I just picked $YOYO on Meme Melee! Place a pick on your favorite memecoin. Guess correctly and win! https://perl.xyz/market/212/play-melee?referral=BQ9JH8&tokenId=19
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Dusk-Wunar pfp
Hike Beers braz
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