dtb pfp



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dtb pfp
Anyone have experience w/ building on top of the replicator app? I've built a tool that runs a CLI-based background daemon, & it replicates Postgres data to IPFS/Filecoin for every db update. I've managed to set up a custom Docker img but need to figure out how to start the daemon only once tables are created/migrated.
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dtb pfp
Down to help out here as well, @tayyab! What use case(s) are you trying to solve for here? Perhaps it’s providing a web3-native way to upgrade Casama SBTs based on the owner’s feedback / contributions — i.e., mutable metadata by way of reputation advancement?
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dtb pfp
It looks like this is the approach Twitter is taking! I’m not saying it’s necessarily the same logic I noted, but they’re adding “view” count to tweets since over 90% of users simply read without interacting. Its a valid datapont that should be publicly readable https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/16059578111
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dtb pfp
In the context of p2p: - A “post” is a `ping` - A “view” is an unopinionated `pong` - A “like” is an opinionated `pong`; find peers - A “comment” is a `handshake` - `Subscribe` to peers is a “follow” - `Process` peer events is a “repost” / “bookmark” Idk if a step b/w views & likes is neede
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