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Pedro Gomes pfp
Pedro Gomes
We are 5 days away from EIP-6963 becoming Final 🛠️ Already counting with 12 wallets supporting it in production today and several more releasing updates in the next week 💪 It took less than 6 months to put together one of the biggest UX improvements on Ethereum 💎
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Pedro Gomes pfp
Pedro Gomes
Starting from next week... Web3Modal will support EIP-6963 by default 🚀 Have you not integrated Web3Modal yet??? 👀 Check out below our docs to add it today 👇
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Danny pfp
Web3Modal won out for us. I recently did a test upgrading from V2 to v3 and I really appreciate the simpler aesthetic. However, it added 70KB to our bundle size. Is that expected?
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Pedro Gomes pfp
Pedro Gomes
Really glad to hear that 🙏 Currently we are focused on realizing new features this quarter But I will mention to the team to look into bundle size optimization How are you measuring it?
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Danny pfp
I was using @next/bundle-analyzer. If I recall correctly it looked like much of the size was from coinbase wallet SDK. Regardless, I appreciate your work.
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