Drew Fisher pfp

Drew Fisher


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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
slockit lmao
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
Assuming you mean a way to keep your NFTs in your posession: safe.global multisig, with a few hardware wallets. If your keys get compromised, you can re-key the lock easily. If you mean keeping the contents of an NFT private to holders, then something like Lit Protocol?
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
Post mortem: https://collective.flashbots.net/t/post-mortem-april-3rd-2023-mev-boost-relay-incident-and-related-timing-issue/1540 DoJ indictment: https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/media/1351931/dl
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
I'm curious what people think about the DoJ indictment and who is responsible for the April 3, 2023 unbundling attack. https://frame.vote/L2mfZAEe Sound off below if you have a different view than the poll options or reasoning for your answer.
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
Can't you just return containsEmpty from checkWord instead of reverting? (I'd invert and call it requiresCrossWords) Then when playing, follow the checkCrossWords() with if(requiresCrossWords && buildsOnPlayers == 0) revert LonelyWord();
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
The 2 txns kinda sucks if it's a bonus tile bc of this: https://github.com/smallbraingames/words3-contracts/blob/dcd1033f5b500f342b4cfa77c920db0259b40ff1/src/libraries/LibPoints.sol#L140
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
I might make a mod, I don't have a lot of spare time. I'm happy to see everything open source though!
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
In my mind, a word is only lonely if it has no empty letters AND no cross words, but this reverts before cross words are even looked at.
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
https://github.com/smallbraingames/words3-contracts/blob/dcd1033f5b500f342b4cfa77c920db0259b40ff1/src/libraries/LibPlay.sol#L256 Is it intentional that you can't play something next to a word, making 1 or more 2-letter words? ex. putting TO here: T TO H I N G
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
Backspace probably shouldn't move the cursor when pressed on a filled in letter. The sell points value should be capped at the current points (is set above max after a more than 1/2 sale happens). Really enjoying it.
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
Does the auxiliaryFunds capability exclusively refer to "this account may have more of the native asset at the start of your requested call"? Or will the capability eventually also mean that ERC20 allowances (USDC for example) may be higher?
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
Passkeys were designed for the web. What are you on about? https://passkeys.io
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
I somewhat disagree with the second part. Forking tokens aren't new, the EIGEN whitepaper discusses Augur's REP, which is 8y old. All of the forking happens at the bEIGEN level, so even if forking was a total unknown space, EIGEN is fully isolated from the mechanism. Non-transferability is a pure market making move.
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
It would be useful if the UI told you how many stealth addresses you were linking together (and how much you're spending from each) when doing a send/bridge that touches multiple "UTXOs". Providing the option to "round up" seems like it would prevent the footgun of reusing utxos, causing even further linking.
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
If it points down, having the arrowhead be a checkmark would connote the idea of a commit. Up might be better because it's somewhat like uploading, but I like the idea of onchain being closer to the foundation.
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
I've been waiting for this, super excited to get it going. I signed up with an EOA, but I'm assuming you can't use a safe to make an account, since the seed signature for your spending key needs to be deterministic (and not vary based on onchain state)?
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
Oh actually a third as well: any thought about 1155 or 6909 for tokenid & quantity messaging using a similar standard? I ask because similar ergonomics feel important to outcompete the devex of things like OFT from LayerZero.
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
2 questions: Does this mean smart accounts have to spin up an ephemeral EOA to bridge? Will there be a similar extension to the optimism 721 bridge with similar ergonomics? The message passing seems nearly identical.
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
Anyone have an intuition/reason why blob demand fell off a cliff in the past 24h?
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
https://dune.com/0xdrewf/farcasino I learned about unnesting sequences for this, but this dashboard now does this to make it easy to list each of the wins, even if they mint more than 50 tokens at once.
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