matthewb.eth pfp
just watched home alone and left the fartcoin out for santa, good night purple app πŸŽ„
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drewcoffman pfp
how is the 4K disc? i turned Home Alone on in Disney+ and the grain was crazy
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matthewb.eth pfp
it’s a pretty good transfer, haven’t looked into whether it’s a 2k upscale or new 4k scan though. I would describe it as very detailed and crispy, though not unnatural. you also gain the added dynamic range vs. standard bluray. imo Disney+ streams are on the crispy/grainy side for films shot on celluloid, so if you’re accustomed to watching content shot on digital it can be a bit jarring. overall, discs will typically render grain more naturally (less digital harshness) while retaining detail, whereas streams can be hit or miss imo. I used to scan film for a living so could go pretty deep on this subject but will leave it there πŸ˜‚
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