Doviak pfp



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Doviak pfp
I have the op-z it’s kind of basic if you’re used to writing in a DAW but great if you want a break from a computer screen and to get ideas playing with some hands on stuff.
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Doviak pfp
Kind of true, some tracks benefit from being squashed to shit though. Depends on the listening platform of course, Spotify and others do volume normalisation (unless you turn it off)
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Doviak pfp
Thanks for the heads up, wasn’t aware of these
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Doviak pfp
It’ll be interesting if they ever work out how to do this with users own songs.
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Doviak pfp
I believe I was there somewhere too then as a young whippersnapper
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Doviak pfp
Good tip thanks
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Doviak pfp
👍That wasn’t around 2003-4 was it?
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Doviak pfp
I would echo what everyone else said, whatever gets the ideas and the vibe together quickly. But I would say that the more that generic sounds and patches are used the less unique the song production can sound, but then you can always fuck the sounds up with effects.
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Doviak pfp
I bumped into Alice Cooper in All Saints LA last year
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Doviak pfp
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Doviak pfp
Looks interesting, what’s it called?
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Doviak pfp
Thats kind of the best one. There’s a Hendrix one, also the Devil and Daniel Johnston is good
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Doviak pfp
Very inspiring!
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Doviak pfp
Lizst and if it’s not him it’s gotta be Rachmaninoff!
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Doviak pfp
For some accessible twentieth century classical Adams : Harmonielehre Adams : Harmonium Tavener : Eternitie’s Sunrise Tavener : The Protecting Veil Bloch : Schelomo
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Woody pfp
Possible to create a NFT that can be updated but also keep the original? Would be dope to work on music and be able to mint the different versions/drafts and then remixes etc. have the entire process laid out in one mint token.
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Doviak pfp
Where do you think is a good place to get your music/production/mixing, critiqued. SoundCloud? Where people can make notes on the track. Or do you have any other suggestions?
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Doviak pfp
Some desk channel plugins (eg Brainworx SSL) benefit from attention to this, much like a real channel, they can be driven (or not) for effect or better harmonic structure etc
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Doviak pfp
Great for juicing up that master bus if it’s feeling lacklustre, other more extreme buss stuff, OTT (or slate MOTT, PSP Mix Saturator or Vintage Warmer.
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Doviak pfp
Also don’t necessarily think about every idea has to be the final form, try multiple versions of the song with different ideas for the missing sections and live with them
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