DougO🛡️ pfp



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DougO🛡️ pfp
Which is discouraging & exciting at the same time. What I wished I could get would be another sample protocol for homework, with goals mirroring the covered concepts, but with some stretch items for growth. Like First Flights without time-boxing or audit context.
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DougO🛡️ pfp
I'm currently leaning Halmos. I see it as similar choice to fuzzing with Foundry vs. Echidna. I haven't dove into Echidna to see what it adds beyond Foundry. The reason I haven't is that it's so easy to fuzz from forge directly. I likely won't look at Echidna until I hit a wall.
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DougO🛡️ pfp
Is this the case with Halmos vs. Certora? I think it might be an 80/20 thing. If Halmos can give you 80% of what the average FVer needs, the ease of use wins out - with only most advanced going to Certora.
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DougO🛡️ pfp
My question now is whether to put time into Halmos or Certora? Which one will "win" in the Dev community? Halmos seems easier to use & learn, but at the cost of depth & breadth of features compared to Certora.
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DougO🛡️ pfp
Which is discouraging & exciting at the same time. What I wished I could get would be another sample protocol for homework, with goals mirroring the covered concepts, but with some stretch items for growth. Like First Flights without time-boxing or audit context.
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DougO🛡️ pfp
Kept rolling and finished MathMasters & Gas Bad NFT Marketplace to complete @Cyfrin Assembly & Formal Verification course. As usual with Updraft, I liked the detailed walkthroughs especially for Gas Bad. That section is an exercise of realizing how much is left to learn.
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DougO🛡️ pfp
Wrapped the week by completing the HorseStore section of @Cyfrin Assembly & Formal Verification course! Great intro to Huff & Yul. Likely won't be doing much assembly coding, but gained the skills needed to read & understand it. On to MathMasters & formal verification !!!
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DougO🛡️ pfp
Finished Part 1 of @cyfrin Security & Auditing course! Feeling equipped to start competing in audit contests. Great job and looking forward to Part 2... especially formal verification and Assembly/Yul/Huff!!
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DougO🛡️ pfp
Grinding on @@Cyfrin Updraft's Security & Auditing course. Great resource overall. Got a lot out of the fuzzing content! Need to practice more & get it down. Also found a vault draining bug on the latest First Flight!
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DougO🛡️ pfp
Back on here after awhile… continuing to progress with Solidity and smart contract auditing. Not into contests and bounties yet, but soon. For anyone traveling a similar path, JohnnyTime course is worth the money. @patrickalphac content is great as well.
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DougO🛡️ pfp
- go deep on Solidity - take a smart contract security course - start participating in bug bounties and audit contests
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DougO🛡️ pfp
my youngest son recently graduated college in Nashville, so when we'd visit we'd go to the Grand Ole Opry and that helped get me more into it. That and listening to Willie's Roadhouse on SiriusXM. About the only contemporary artist I've heard that I've liked is Niko Moon. Oldest son in big into into Zach Bryan though
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DougO🛡️ pfp
... and two more things... Ray Charles (Modern Sounds in Country Western Music Vol 1, not a fan of Vol 2) and also a Patsy Cline greatest hits will do you good too.
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DougO🛡️ pfp
(cont'd) plus I enjoy yodeling cowgirls (Carolina Cotton, Rosalie Allen, Patsy Montana). I mostly like upbeat music, but IMO Don Williams (Some Broken Hearts Never Mend, I Believe in You) is the best for mellow moods... terrific soothing voice. Past those... Hank Williams (Sr) and Bill Monroe (bluegrass!)
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DougO🛡️ pfp
For western swing (IMO pretty accessible for modern ears), start with Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys... "San Antonio Rose", "Right or Wrong", "Deep Water", "Stay a Little Longer" are good choices. For singing cowboys (IMO an acquired taste), Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, and Marty Robbins (El Paso) (1)
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DougO🛡️ pfp
before that, I discovered 80s New Wave in a deeper way around 2008, most new wave was just pop in the 80s. before that it was probably rap in the 80s (Grandmaster Flash, Run DMC, Whodini, Fat Boys, etc.) So basically I haven't listened to almost any contemporary music since the 80s 😜
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DougO🛡️ pfp
true confession... in the past 3-4 years, I've gone from "I like everything but country" to actually liking country. Most of what I like is from 1930s to 1970s. Although I can say I "discovered" my favorite two subgenres, singing cowboy era and western swing, since I didn't really know they existed before.
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DougO🛡️ pfp
IMHO... after Trump, the acceptability of a political outsider as a candidate rose (at least for a portion of the electorate) and, to an extent, Vivek has less obstacles now running as an outsider
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DougO🛡️ pfp
I think Trump's hitting on DeSantis as RINO was effective, as well as putting the thought out there that Florida's success was largely due to prior governors
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DougO🛡️ pfp
I'm interested to see how RFK Jr affects things on Dem side, as well as the Manchin 3rd party chatter
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